19 items found for ""
- WORKSHOPS | DrDonnaYFord
WORKSHOPS/PRESENTATIONS SAMPLE Handouts Achievement Gap/Gulf, Multicultural Education, Black Students, Gifted Under-Representation, Gifted Underachievers, Family Engagement, and more. These sample materials include the Ford-Harris/Bloom-Banks Matrices created with teachers and teacher educators, along with handouts, publications, and other materials. Sample Ford-Harris/Bloom-Banks Matrices Forms (Click Here) Lessons (click here) PDFs (click here) Sample Workshops & Handouts Sample Publications (click here) Multicultural Book List (adults) Multicultural Books (humor Middle School) HOME Blog & videos Ford Bio & Books RESOURCES PROJECTS CONTACT Blog Search Results More
- Vitae & BIO | DrDonnaYFord
Donna Y Ford, PhD Bio and Vitae Ford Vitae/CV (Click Here) Ford Contact (Click Here) **BIOGRAPHY** Donna Y. Ford, PhD Nov. 2024 Donna Y. Ford, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor of Education and Human Ecology in the College of Education and Human Ecology at the Ohio State University. She is also a Faculty Affiliate with the Kirwan Institute and the Center for Latin American Studies. Professor Ford is in the Department of Educational Studies and the Special Education Program. She was at Vanderbilt University for 15 years and held two Endowed Chairs there. Dr. Ford was a Professor of Special Education at the Ohio State University (1997-2004), an Assistant and Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Virginia, and an Assistant Professor at the University of Kentucky. Professor Ford earned her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Urban Education (educational psychology) (1991), Masters of Education degree (counseling) (1988), and Bachelor of Arts degree in communications and Spanish (1984) from Cleveland State University. Professor Ford conducts research primarily in gifted education and culturally responsive/multicultural/urban education. Specifically, her work focuses on: (1) the achievement gap; (2) recruiting and retaining culturally different students in gifted education; (3) multicultural curriculum and instruction; (4) culturally competent teacher training and development; (5) African-American identity; and (6) African-American family involvement. She consults with school districts, and educational and legal organizations on such topics as gifted education under-representation and Advanced Placement, multicultural/urban education and counseling, and closing the achievement gap. Professor Ford has written over 300 articles and book chapters; she has made over 2,000 presentations at professional conferences and organizations, and in school districts. She is the author/co-author/co-editor of 14 books, including Gumbo for the Soul: Liberating Memoirs and Stories to Inspire Females of Color (2017); Telling Our Stories: Culturally Different Adults Reflect on Growing Up in Single-Parent Families (2017); R.A.C.E. Mentoring Through Social Media:Black and Hispanic Scholars Share Their Journey in the Academy (2017); Recruiting and Retaining Culturally Different Students in Gifted Education (2013), Reversing Underachievement Among Gifted Black Students (1996, 2010), Multicultural Gifted Education (1999, 2011), Gifted and Advanced Black Students in School: An Anthology of Critical Works (2011). In Search of the Dream: Designing Schools and Classrooms that Work for High Potential Students from Diverse Cultural backgrounds (2004), Diverse Learners with Exceptionalities: Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom (2008), and Teaching Culturally Diverse Gifted Students (2005). Professor Ford’s work has been recognized by numerous professional organizations: Newsweek RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Ranking; Stanford University Study’s Top 2% of World Scientists; Research Award from the Shannon Center for Advanced Studies; the Early Career Award and the Career Award from The American Educational Research Association; Senior Scholar Award and Early Scholar Award from The National Association for Gifted Children; the Esteemed Scholarship Award from The National Association of Black Psychologists; the Outstanding Service Award from the Council for Exceptional Children-The Association for the Gifted. She is the Vanderbilt University SEC Faculty Award recipient (2013). Professor Ford is even more proud and humbled by awards received from student organizations (Black Student Alliance Distinguished Faulty Award, and Jimmie Franklin Outstanding Vanderbilt Faculty Award). 2024 awards and honors ● 2023 Stanford Study, Top 2% of World Educators, (year ranking 39,881 out of 223,153; career ranking 89,769 out of 217,089. Source: Ioannidis, John P.A. (2024), “August 2024 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"”, Elsevier Data Repository, V7, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.7 https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7 CEC Lifetime Achievement Award, Council for Exceptional Children Emerald Award Literati 2024 for Outstanding Author Contribution Winner (co-authored chapter), Emerald Publishing The 2024 EdWeek RHSU Edu-Scholar Top 200 Public Influence Rankings https://www.edweek.org/policy-politics/opinion-the-2024-rhsu-edu-scholar-public-influence-rankings/2024/01 Research.com rankings - 2072 in the world and 1026 in United States https://research.com/scientists-rankings/social-sciences-and-humanities/us?page=1 Peabody Black Museum Honoree, Vanderbilt University --------- Dr. Ford is creator of The Ford Fema le Achievement Model of Excellence (FAME). Donna is a two-time board member of the National Association for Gifted Children, and has served on numerous editorial boards, such as Gifted Child Quarterly, Exceptional Children, Roeper Review, Journal of Negro Education, Gifted Child Today, and Journal of Educational Psychology. She also reviews for several journals in such disciplines and topics as urban education, the achievement gap, educational psychology, and counseling and development. Professional development includes membership in professional organizations, including the National Association for Gifted Children, Council for Exceptional Children, American Educational Research Association, National Association for Multicultural Education, American Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators, and others. On a personal note, she is the proud mother of Khyle L. Ford and proud grandmother of Khyle Jr. (KJ) – DYF * donnayford@gmail.com * ford.255@osu.edu * www.facebook.com/donnayford * twitter: @donnayford Although I am no longer at Vanderbilt, this video is still a relevant overview. For a good laugh... 1/1 HOME Blog & videos Ford Bio & Books RESOURCES PROJECTS CONTACT Blog Search Results More
- Sample Bloom-Banks Matrices | DrDonnaYFord
Ford-Harris/Bloom-Banks Matrices (Samples) These multicultural gifted education lesson plans were created using the original Ford-Harris/Bloom-Banks Matrix. Click HERE to Contact Me for Training to Create Ford-Harris Matrices Ford's Bloom-Banks Matrix ARTICLE Big Orange Splot MATRIX (click here) The GreedyTriangle MATRIX (click here) Eggbert: The Slightly Cracked Egg MATRIX (click here) The Skin I'm In MATRIX (click here) Stay tuned for Book devoted to Ford-Harris Matrix HOME Blog & videos Ford Bio & Books RESOURCES PROJECTS CONTACT Blog Search Results More
- Donna Y Ford, gifted education and Black students
Donna Y Ford is an expert on gifted education and urban education. She consults on gifted Black and Hispanic student under-representation. ANTI-RACIST, CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE, EQUITABLE EDUCATION (RIGOR & RELEVANCE FOR EVERY STUDENT) Closing Achievement and Opportunity Gaps by Increasing Access to Gifted & Talented and AP Classes! A mind is a terrible thing to waste (United Negro College Fund). A mind is a terrible thing to erase (Donna Y. Ford). EXPECTATIONS + EMPOWERMENT + EXCELLENCE + EQUITY Being Black, Gifted & Poor: My Story Click buttonto read EMAILS: ford.255@osu.edu or drdonnayford@gmail.com (1) Anti-Racist, Culturally Responsive Education/Educators; (2) Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion; (3) Gifted and Talented Education; Black Students SCHOLARSHIP Dr. Ford has written several books and over 300 articles and book chapters on Black students, gifted education underrepresentation, and closing achievement gaps. Bio & CV Donna Y. Ford, PhD DiSTINGUISHED PROFESSOR of College of Education & Human Ecology The Ohio State University CONTACT 2020-present Ranked Top 2% of World's Scientists https://topresearcherslist.com/Home/Profile/801778 CONSULTING Professor Ford has consulted with hundreds of schools, districts, and organizations. She has conducted over 2,000 presentations and workshops. Vitae & Bio HOME Blog & videos Ford Bio & Books RESOURCES PROJECTS CONTACT Blog Search Results More
- PD HANDOUTS | DrDonnaYFord
The world we have created is a product of our thinking. We cannot change things until we change our thinking. - Einstein A SAMPLE of handouts from presentations/workshops/keynotes on such topics as "recruiting and retaining Black students in gifted education", "creating culturally responsive classrooms for gifted students", "closing the achievement gap in gifted education", "creating multicultural gifted education curriculum and lesson plans", and other topics! PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HANDOUTS: Gifted Education, Multicultural Education, Multicultural Curriculum, Black Students, Gifted Black Students, Gifted Under-Representation, Underachievement, Achievement Gap... Culture Overview Presentation Culturegram (Mexico) Boykin Black Culture Presentation Cross Racial Identity Presentation Banks Multicultural Curriculum Presentation Multicultural Bibliography Presentation Deficit Thinking Presentation Critical Thinking Presentation Academic Commandments Presentation HOME Blog & videos Ford Bio & Books RESOURCES PROJECTS CONTACT Blog Search Results More
- Black Males (SIM) | DrDonnaYFord
Black Males : Promoting a Scholar Identity Dr. Gilman Whiting and I are co-directors and co-founders of the trademarked Scholar Identity Institute (SII) based on Whiting's Scholar Identity Model (SIM) which contains 9 characteristics of a school tailored to Black males. With the SIM and SII, we endeavor to un-brainwash Black males so they are not blinded and deceived by racism and stereotypes about their group. We work and consult with numerous communities, organizations, families, schools, and Black males on our mission to close the achievement gap! Whiting's Scholar Identity ARTICLE (click here) Scholar Identity VIDEO (13 min.) (click here) HOME Blog & videos Ford Bio & Books RESOURCES PROJECTS CONTACT Blog Search Results More
- CONTACT | DrDonnaYFord
Let's talk and collaborate to make a difference grounded in EQUITY by race, ethnicity, and income. Ranked : Top 2% of World's Educators 2020-present, Stanford University Study. https://topresearcherslist.com/Home/Profile/801778 Donna Y Ford, PhD Distinguished Professor 🍎 Kirwan Institute Faculty Affiliate Center for Latin American Studies Faculty Affiliate College of Education and Human Ecology Dept. of Educational Studies Special Education Program Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210 Office: 1-614-247-1627 Emails: ford.255@osu.edu OR drdonnayford@gmail.com Vitae/CV HOME Blog & videos Ford Bio & Books RESOURCES PROJECTS CONTACT Blog Search Results More
Professor, Consultant, Author, Advocate
Professor, Consultant, Author, Advocate
© 2013 Donna Y. Ford, PhD